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Dad's Root Beer Barrels -

Dad's Root Beer Barrels -

Regular price $13.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $13.00 CAD
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Individually wrapped Dad's Root Beer flavor hard candy barrels. Dad's Root Beer Barrels are a nostalgic favorite and are the original root beer barrels! These original root beer barrels are a delicious hard candy in a classic, timeless flavor.

The custom of brewing root beer goes back to the 18th century. Farmers used to brew their own alcoholic beverage using the root of the sassafras plant for family get-togethers and other social events. In 1876, pharmacist Charles Hires first introduced a commercial version at the Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition. By 1893, root beer was sold as a bottled soft drink to the public. It evolved into a non-alcoholic drink during Prohibition, when it was extremely commercially successful. Root beer is produced in every state in America! And are not you glad that this true American taste is available in a tasty hard candy.


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Dad's Root Beer Barrels - - The Country Christmas Loft
1 Pound210000031225
1 Pound210000031225
$13.00/ea $0.00