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Vermont Golf Ball -

Vermont Golf Ball -

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Fred is a 1929 model A Ford pickup truck who happily transports Oma and Opa along the winding roads of Vermont on their various happy adventures.  Along the way there are costume parades, joy rides, check ups for Fred, and long winter naps under a cozy blue blanket.

by Eva Marie Williford and Joseph C. Oppenlander, PhD

Joseph C. Oppenlander, PhD, Fred’s owner and co-adventurer, is a retired Professor of Civil Engineering.  He lives in Williston, VT. Eva Marie Williford is Oppenlander’s grand-daughter.  She has a BS in mathematics and is preparing for a career in bio-statistics.  She also lives in Williston, VT.

Illustrator: Jill Meyers



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Vermont Golf Ball - - Shelburne Country Store
State Map210000017414
State Map210000017414
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$3.95/ea $0.00